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Municipality of Alphen-Chaam: registering the ending of a civil partnership in the civil registry

In case of a judge’s ruling:

  • The original court decision. This must be signed by the griffier (court clerk).
  • The akte van berusting (a waiver of the right to appeal). This is proof that you are not appealing the judge’s ruling. This waiver must contain the request to register the ending of your civil partnership.

In case of a beëindigingsovereenkomst (termination agreement):

  • The declaration from the lawyer or notary stating that a beëindigingsovereenkomst (termination agreement) has been concluded.
  • The beëindigingsovereenkomst (termination agreement).

You can send the paperwork to: 

Gemeente Alphen-Chaam
Postbus 3
5130 AA Alphen

The municipality will process the data within 1 week.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Alphen-Chaam

Last updated on 12 January 2024