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Municipality of Woerden: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Please note: you can report that you are moving outside the Netherlands only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

-You are 16 years or older and you are registered in the municipality of Woerden. Are you younger than 16 years old? In that case, your parents, guardians or carers must take are of the move for you.
-Are all family members (who live at the same Dutch address) moving abroad? And are you 18 years or older? Then you can also report the departure of your family members.
-Do you have a cohabitation agreement? In that case, you and your partner must report the move separately.

If you report your move online:

   -Your DigiD.
   -A valid ID of anyone who moves with you. Please note: this only applies if all family members who are registered at your Dutch address move with you.
   -Your new address (if known).

If you notify us of your move via an appointment at the town hall:

   -Your valid ID.
   -A valid ID of anyone who moves with you.
   -All family members who move with you. Please note: this only applies if not all family members who are registered at your Dutch address move with you. If all family members move with you, you can go to the town hall alone.
   -Your new address (if known).

-Important: Do not all family members who are registered at your Dutch address move with you? Then you can only report your move at the counter of the town hall.


You can report your move online (from 5 days before departure). You need DigiD for this.  

At town hall

You can also report your departure at the counter of the town hall. You must make an appointment for this.  


It is not possible to arrange your departure by post.

Reporting your departure is free of charge.

  • Reporting by email: processing takes 5 working days.
  • Reporting at the service desk: processed immediately by the municipality.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Woerden

Visiting address

Blekerijlaan 14

3447GR Woerden

Opening hours
08:30 - 16:30
17:30 - 19:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 12:30
Last updated on 15 December 2022