Deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands
Are you going to live outside the Netherlands for at least 8 months in 1 year? If so, you must deregister from the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen – BRP). The BRP contains your personal data, such as your name, gender and date of birth. You can deregister from the BRP through the municipality where you live.
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Deregistration from your municipality is subject to certain conditions:
- You cannot deregister until 5 days before your departure. This includes weekends and public holidays.
- You can deregister in writing or in person at the municipality service desk. This depends on your situation. In some municipalities, you can deregister online. Ask your municipality whether this is possible.
- Are not all your family members, such as your partner and children, moving with you? In that case, at many municipalitys you must always deregister in person. Deregistering by post or online is then not possible.
- You can also deregister if the 8 months in which you intend to live outside the Netherlands are not consecutive.
It may be important for you to have proof of deregistration, for example because you need to demonstrate to an organisation that you have been deregistered. Request proof of deregistration from the BRP via your municipality. Do this when you have yourself deregistered. Proof of deregistration demonstrates that you have been deregistered from the Netherlands. This proof specifies your personal details and the date of your deregistration.