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Municipality of Rotterdam: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Please note: you can report that you are moving outside the Netherlands only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

  • Are you moving outside the Netherlands on your own? If so, you can report your departure online.
  • Is your entire family moving outside the Netherlands? If so, you must report your departure to the municipality in writing or at its service desk.


You can report your departure online on the day of your move. You need your DigiD to do this.

If you don't have DigiD, please call our municipal service number 14 010. When you call from abroad, call +31 10 267 16 25.

In writing

You can only report that you are moving by post if all the members of your family are moving with you.

Fill in the form. Send the form together with a copy of a valid passport, Dutch identity card or residence permit for you and your family to:

Gemeente Rotterdam
Klantcontact, afdeling Migratie
P.O. Box 70013
3000 KR Rotterdam

Reporting a move is free of charge.

Your  deregistration by post or online will be processed within 4 weeks.

Give an indication of the date of your departure, you will be deregistered on that date.

If you give no date of departure, then the date the municipality receives your notice will be adopted as your date of departure.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Rotterdam

Last updated on 29 November 2023