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Municipality of Houten: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Please note. You can only report your move abroad if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Are you going to live abroad for 8 months or more within a year? Or are you returning to your home country (e.g. after studying or working temporarily in the Netherlands). Please inform Houten municipality of your emigration 5 days before your departure.

Reporting emigration

You can only submit a digital notification of emigration if you and your family members (registered or married partner and/or child) leave from the same address.

Are you unmarried together? Then you both need to report separately.

Reporting emigration

Are 1 or several persons of the family emigrating?

Is only 1 person or a few persons from the family leaving? Then you have to come to the town hall in person. You can make an

Make an appointment to report emigration

  • Registering a move is free of charge.

  • Passing on by e-mail or post: takes 5 working days.
    Passing on at the counter: the municipality processes immediately.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Houten

Last updated on 31 October 2022