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Municipality of Hoorn: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Are you going abroad for more than 8 months within one year? Then you must report this to the municipality at least five days before departure. This can be done for free. You will then be deregistered from your address. When submitting, you must state your new address or residence address. You need a DigiD to pass on online.

Please note: you can report that you are moving outside the Netherlands only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

  • Are you moving outside the Netherlands on your own? If so, you can report your departure online.
  • If persons remain behind at your address, you must do your emigration personally at the town hall. To do this, make an appointment and bring your proof of identity.

Visit Gemeente Hoorn - Emigratie doorgeven for more information

Reporting a move is free of charge.

  • Reporting by email or post: 5 working days.
  • Reporting at the service desk: processed immediately by the municipality.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Hoorn

Last updated on 17 February 2023