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Municipality of Groningen: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Please note. You can only report your move abroad if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Report your departure to the municipality as soon as possible. The day on which we receive your notification is the departure date. It is not possible to backdate your move.


Use the form online to report your move. If you do not have DigiD you use the form to report your move without DigiD.


You can also report the move by mail instead of online. This is possible at the earliest 4 weeks in advance and at the latest on the day of your departure.

Send a letter to: Gemeente Groningen, P.O. Box 30026, 9700 RM Groningen. Include the following information:

  • Personal information
  • Moving date
  • Old and new address
  • Telephone number
  • Names of the people who are moving with you.
  • Copy of valid ID (passport, ID card or driver's license) of all moving persons.
  • Signature

To the counter

Make an appointment to come by. You can only report a move abroad for yourself and family members living with you.


  • Valid proof of identity for yourself and all living family members.
  • If a family member continues to live at your address, then all family members who leave your address must come to the appointment.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Groningen

Also useful

Last updated on 3 January 2024