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Municipality of Barneveld: deregistering from the municipality in the event of a long stay outside the Netherlands

Please note: you can report that you are moving outside the Netherlands only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

  • You will be abroad for at least 8 months in the coming year.
  • You must inform us of this no later than 5 days before your departure.
  • The day on which your form is received by the municipality counts as the departure date.
  • The municipality will pass on your departure to other government agencies.
  • Sometimes you have to come to the town hall to personally report your departure. For example, when someone from the family stays in the Netherlands.

You can report the emigration online:

  • if you emigrate with the whole family and partners are married or have a registered partnership. One of the parents can report the emigration on behalf of the entire family.
  • if you are married or have a registered partnership, live at the same address and both emigrate and no persons remain behind at the current address. You can report the emigration for both yourself and your partner.
  • if you are 16 years or older and currently live alone.

You have to come to the town hall to report the emigration if:

  • a child under the age of 16 emigrates and someone stays behind at the current address. In addition to the parents, carers and/or guardian, the child who emigrates must also come to the town hall or
  • you are 16 years or older and someone is staying behind at the current address.

When visiting the counter in the town hall, always take the valid proof of identity of all parties involved with you. Contact the municipality for an appointment via +31 342 495 902

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Barneveld

Last updated on 23 November 2022