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Municipality of Ameland: applying for youth care for your child

Please note: you can only apply for youth support if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Do you wish to apply for youth support for your child? The municipality works with an Ouder- en Kindteam (Parent and Child Team) [enter other name if applicable, e.g. Wijkteam (Neighbourhood Team) or Centrum jeugd en gezin (Youth and Family Centre)]. You can go to a Parent and Child Team [or enter other name] for help and advice. You will discuss together what kind of care you need.

Contracted care providers

You can make use of the care purchased by the municipality. To do so, you need a referral from the Parent and Child Team [or enter other name], your GP, a certified institution or a medical specialist, such as a paediatrician. Please consult  Zorg, werk en inkomen | Gemeente Ameland for a list of the providers of specialist youth support with which the municipality has concluded a contract.

Contact your municipality for more information. [contact details for the municipality].

Alternatively, you can contact the following directly:

  • Ouder- en Kindteam 
  • Centrum jeugd en gezin
  • Wijkteam neighbourhood team

In some cases, you may have to pay an ouderbijdrage (parental contribution).

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Ameland

Last updated on 7 November 2022