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Municipality of Helmond: applying to get married

If you want to get married or register a partnership, notify the municipality where you want to get married of your plans. This should be done at least 2 weeks and can be done up to 1 year before the day you get married or register your partnership.

You report your intended marriage or partnership online with DigiD. When doing so, you also provide the details of your witnesses. It is useful to collect these details before you start the notification. No DigiD? Then contact us via 14 0492 (do not place an area code in front of the number) or

  • For free weddings or partnerships, only the couple and 2-4 witnesses are expected.
  • For meeting room weddings or partnerships, a maximum of 10-15 people are expected. Not counting the wedding officiant.
  • Are you getting married in the castle? Then always contact the castle staff yourself to fix the venue, day and time. Please note: Please do this before reporting your marriage or partnership.
  • Are you marrying at a location in Helmond other than the castle? Then always contact the staff of that location yourself, to fix the venue, day and time. Please note: Please do this before reporting your marriage or partnership.
  • Additional costs for the rental of the wedding hall, for example, you pay directly to the venue. This also applies if you are getting married in Helmond Castle.

You can get married anywhere in the Municipality of Helmond. There are a number of conditions for a wedding location:

  • You contact the wedding venue yourself to book a room for your wedding.
  • If you get married at the City Shop, this is not necessary. So for a free wedding at the counter or for a wedding in a meeting room.
  • Additional costs for the rental of the wedding room, for example, you pay directly to the venue. This also applies if you are getting married in Helmond Castle.
  • The marriage is performed on the ground. It is not possible to get married in the air, on water or in a moving vehicle.
  • You are personally responsible and liable for the safety of the venue. All venue buildings must be fireproof.
  • If you are hosting more than 50 people, for example at home, in a barn, tent or in the open air, contact team Licences at least 8 weeks before your wedding by calling 14 0492 (without area code).
  • You must obtain permission from the owner or manager of the location.
  • We are not liable for any damage caused to the venue or its surroundings.

Locations in the Stadswinkel

  • The free counter wedding: This allows the couple and their 2-4 witnesses to be present. Or a maximum of 4-6 people. Not counting the wedding officiant.
  • The reduced-rate wedding in a meeting room in the City Office: In which the couple, their 2-4 witnesses and mutual parents may be present. Or a maximum of 10-15 people. Not including the wedding officiant.

Do you want to get married in Helmond? If so, you and/or your partner may need to submit documents. Were you born in the Netherlands and have you always lived here? Then your details are usually known in the Basis Registratie Personen (BRP).

Were you not born in the Netherlands and/or have you not always lived here? And are not all your details known in the BRP? If so, you must first register these documents in the BRP.

We advise you to contact us 8-10 months in advance by telephone on 14 0492 so that we can tell you which original documents we need.

Report your plans to us here

(Here you also have an overview of all venues, wedding officiants and available times)

How do I convert a registered partnership into a marriage?

You can convert your registered partnership into a marriage. You can arrange this in any municipality.  Notify us of your conversion in Helmond by clicking here.

Important things to know

  • Do neither of you live in the Netherlands? And does at least one of you have Dutch nationality? Then you can contact the municipality of The Hague, Dienst Landelijke Taken for a marriage, registration of partnership or conversion. Go to the website of the municipality of The Hague.
  • Not all countries accept a registered partnership, a marriage between two men or two women or converting a registered partnership into a marriage. Would you like more information about your marital status in a country other than the Netherlands? You can contact the embassy of that country for this.
  • When converting, you do not need witnesses.
  • It is not possible to convert a marriage to a registered partnership.
  • Is your conversion in Helmond Castle? Or at a location in Helmond other than the Stadswinkel? Then always contact the staff at that location yourself to fix the venue, day and time. Please do this before notifying us of your conversion.

The notification of intended marriage/partnership does not cost anything. The total costs depend on the location, the day and time of the marriage or registered partnership and the purchase of a marriage booklet.

You pay the costs via iDEAL to the municipality when you report your intended marriage or partnership digitally. It is possible that the venue will charge extra for the rental of the wedding hall. You pay these costs directly to the location, even if you marry at the Helmond Castle. The costs of the Castle are separate from the costs you pay to the municipality.

Rates 2023

Weddings on Mondays to Fridays

We charge €412 for marrying on Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

Would you like to get married outside these times, for example at the weekend or on a public holiday? Then a surcharge of €179 applies. This does not include the costs charged by the venue. You pay these costs directly to the venue, even if you marry at Helmond Castle. The costs of the Castle are separate from the costs you pay to Burgerzaken.

Getting married at the Elkerliek Hospital Helmond if medical circumstances make it necessary costs €155.

Free marriage

On Monday mornings at 8.45am, 9.00am and 9.15am, you can get married free of charge at the counter in the Stadswinkel. Details of a free wedding:

  • Duration is 10 to 15 minutes;
  • No ceremony or speech;
  • You cannot express a preference for a wedding officiant;
  • You do not have a personal conversation with the wedding officiant;
  • Only the bride and groom and witnesses are present.

Getting married at a reduced rate

On Monday mornings at 9.45 am, 10.15 am, and 10.45 am, you can get married at the reduced rate of €179 in a room of the City Shop. Details of a reduced-rate wedding:

  • There will be a short speech and a recitation of a poem;
  • You cannot express a preference for a wedding officiant;
  • You will not have a personal conversation with the wedding officiant;
  • There are a maximum of 10-15 attendees, including the bride and groom and 2-4 witnesses. Not counting the wedding officiant.

Cancellation and rescheduling fees

We charge a fee for rescheduling or cancelling a wedding/partnership or changing a witness. You can find the fees below in the table under 'Fees for cancellation and rescheduling'.

Free full marriage with minimum income

To accommodate residents of the Municipality of Helmond on a minimum income, there is the possibility of marrying or registering a partnership at the expense of the Municipality of Helmond. Do you think you qualify for this? If so, please contact us on telephone number 14 0492.

Converting a registered partnership

Converting a registered partnership to marriage at the City Shop counter costs €77.70. This is only possible during our opening hours: Monday 12.00 to 19.00, Tuesday to Friday 9.00 to 16.00.

Product or serviceRate
Wedding booklet€ 37,30
Swearing-in of guest babs€ 412,-
If you have no witnesses available, per witness€ 53,30
International marriage certificate€ 15,70
Marriage or partnership in Elkerliek hospital if medical circumstances make this necessary€ 155,-
Please note: this does not include the costs you have to pay for the desired location. 
Cancellation and rescheduling chargesRates
After notification of intended marriage up to 1 month before the wedding or partnership date€ 88,40
Within 1 month before the wedding or partnership date€ 178,-
After home visit by the wedding officiant€ 237,-
From a free marriage/partnership€ 44,90
Date change of a marriage/partnership or a change of witnesses€ 23,70
Please note: this does not include the costs you have to pay for the desired location. 

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Helmond

Last updated on 20 November 2024