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Municipality of Meerssen: applying for special social assistance

Please note: you can apply for bijzondere bijstand (special social assistance) only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You can apply for special social assistance from the municipality if you:

  • live in the municipality of Meerssen;
  • incurred the costs in the Netherlands.

Make contact with

You can make an appointment with a counselor from Social Affairs Maastricht-Heuvelland. This is the regional social service of 6 municipalities in South Limburg. This also applies to the municipality of Meerssen.

Also take a look at the website of Social Affairs Maastricht-Heuvelland.

Sociale Zaken Maastricht Heuvelland

Randwycksingel 22

6229 EE Maastricht

Postbus 4902

6202 TC Maastricht

 0031 (0)43-3661661 

The Maastricht municipality and the Heuvelland municipalities jointly have one implementing organization for Social Affairs.

The municipality will send you a letter within 8 weeks. It will state whether you will receive special social assistance and how much you will receive. It will also state whether you will receive special welfare assistance in the form of a loan or non-repayable allowance.

You can object to the decision on your application. Do this within 6 weeks. Do you subsequently disagree with the decision on the notice of objection? Then file an appeal with the court.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Meerssen

Last updated on 16 October 2023