Municipality of Helmond: viewing data in the Basisregistratie Personen (BRP)
In de Basisregistratie Personen (BRP) staan gegevens van alle inwoners van Nederland. Dit zijn gegevens zoals uw geboortedatum, Burgerservicenummer (BSN), nationaliteit, huwelijk of geregistreerd partnerschap, ouders, kinderen. U kunt uw eigen gegevens inzien via of bij de gemeente waar u woont. Ook kunt u bij de gemeente een overzicht aanvragen waarop staat aan wie de gemeente uw persoonsgegevens uit de BRP heeft verstrekt.
Anyone registered in the BRP of the Municipality of Helmond can request access to personal data. Have you been placed under guardianship? Then your guardian may inspect your details. You do not need to authorise the guardian to do this.
Access via
Would you like to view your own personal details or those of your minor children? On under 'Personal data' you can easily and quickly check how you or your children are registered in the BRP. To do this, log in with your DigiD.
Access via the municipality
You can also inspect your details at the municipality. You can also request an overview showing to whom the municipality has provided your personal data from the BRP. You can request both digitally here.
Would you prefer to visit the Stadswinkel in person? Please make an appointment first via this link.
Have you requested access to the disclosures of your personal data?
- If so, this is free of charge.
Have you requested access to your personal data?
- If so, this is free of charge if you request access via
- It is free of charge if you request access at the City Shop counter. You will therefore not receive the data on paper.
- Then you pay €11.40 (rate 2023), if you make a digital inspection request.
- Then you pay € 11.40 (tariff 2023), if you want to receive an official overview of your data on paper (also called a certified copy).
This shows how you are registered in the BRP. Easy for your own administration, for example.
Please note! Do you want to be able to show another organisation or company how you are registered in the BRP? Then we advise you to request another document. Namely a BRP transcript.
The municipality is required by law to make a decision on your request within 4 weeks. We always strive to process your request as soon as possible.
Questions about this topic?
Contact the Municipality of Helmond