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Municipality of Bunnik: registering with the municipality

You must inform us of your move to the Netherlands in person. You must make an appointment to do this.

  • If you come to live (immigrate) in Bunnik from abroad, you must register with the municipality within 5 days.   
  • You do this if you come to live in the Netherlands for at least 4 months within a period of 6 months.  
  • You must also register if you have lived in the Netherlands before (resettlement).  
  •  All family members who wish to be registered must come to the appointment with you. This includes babies, young children and elderly people.

  • ID card

Contact the municipality of Bunnik. You will immediately receive all the information you need to register.

Registration is free of charge. You must pay the costs of translating or legalising official documents that you may need to take with you.

The municipality will register you in the Basisregistratie Personen – BRP (Personal Records Database) during the actual appointment. You will receive a confirmation letter. The municipality will send your citizen service number (BSN) by post within 3 weeks.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Bunnik

Last updated on 22 January 2024