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Municipality of Maastricht: registering a stillborn baby

A stillbirth (levenloos geboren) can be a devastating, harrowing experience. We therefore help you as best we can with the paperwork.

When and where to register?

You must must register the stillbirth before the begrafenis (burial) or crematie (cremation) in the municipality where your child was born. The municipality will draw up an akte van geboorte (levenloos) (birth certificate for a stillbirth).

Who can register the stillbirth?

  • one of the parents
  • the funeral director
  • someone who was present at the birth, e.g. a friend or family member
  • hospital staff

Registering a stillbirth

Please make an appointment to register a stillbirth by dialling +31 (0)43 350 4040.

Permission for funeral or cremation

You will need our permission to bury or cremate your stillborn child. You will get permission immediately once you have registered your child’s stillbirth

If the pregnancy was less than 24 weeks and your child did not live or lived for less than 24 hours, permission is not required by law. However, it is possible to be granted permission in this situation. Please call 14 043 for more information.

Registration in the BRP

You can register your stillborn child in the Basisregistratie Personen - BRP (Personal Records Database). This is not compulsory and is only done upon request.

  • valid proof of identity of the person registering the stillbirth
  • verklaring van overlijden (death certificate) issued by the attending physician
  • B-envelope (intended for Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek) containing the physician's information on your child's death

The certificate is free of charge. You pay a fee for an afschrift (official copy) of the certificate. For more information, contact the municipality.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Maastricht

Visiting address

Mosae Forum 10

6211DW Maastricht

Opening hours
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 16:30
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 16:30
Last updated on 26 July 2024