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Municipality of Helmond: registering a stillborn baby

If your child is born lifeless after a pregnancy of 24 weeks or more, you file a declaration with the municipality. If your pregnancy is less than 24 weeks, you may file a declaration. This should be done at the municipality where your child was born. In both cases, the municipality will draw up a certificate of birth (lifeless). This is official proof that your child has come into the world. The certificate of birth (lifeless) is registered in the death register of the civil registry and not in the birth register.

Your child has lived for a short time

You register the birth in the municipality where your child was born. If your child died in the same municipality, you also file the death certificate there. If your child died in another municipality, you file the declaration of death there.

The following persons may file the declaration:

  • One of the parents
  • An undertaker
  • Someone who was present at the birth, for example a friend or family member
  • Hospital staff

You can make an appointment for the declaration by calling 14 0492. If you also need to declare births, make an appointment for that too.

Bring the following with you:

  • Valid proof of identity of the person making the declaration
  • Declaration of death, issued by the attending physician
  • B-envelope containing information from the doctor about your lifeless child

Registering a child born lifeless a long time ago

If your child was born lifeless a long time ago or lived briefly after birth and no declaration was made at that time, you can still do so. It is also possible that the certificate of your long ago (inanimate) child did not include first names. You can still do this. If your child was born in Helmond, please contact us by telephone on 14 0492. We will then investigate whether there may already be a record or what is required to still draw up the record or add the first names.


The following conditions apply to the drawing up of a birth certificate (lifeless) or the inclusion of first names in a certificate for a child born lifeless:

  • The parents make the request jointly. Is one of the parents deceased? Then the request may be made by the other (remaining) parent.
  • The parents make the request in the municipality where the child was born lifeless.
  • Do you wish to have a certificate drawn up? Then we kindly ask you to submit documentary evidence of your lifeless child (e.g. a partus report, obituary notice, bereavement card, prayer card, records of GP or midwife or gynaecologist etc.).

Registration of a lifeless child

From 4 February 2019, it will be possible to register the details of your lifeless child in the BRP. This applies retroactively, so previously lifeless children can also be registered in the BRP.

Was your child born still (lifeless) in Helmond?

Then you cannot register the birth online.
However, you can make an appointment to register the stillbirth at the desk in the Stadswinkel. To do so, contact us via telephone number 14 0492 (without area code).

It is free to have a certificate drawn up.

You may only bury or cremate your child after the declaration. For burial or cremation, you need permission from the municipality. You will receive this directly upon reporting your child's death. For more information about this permission, please call us on 14 0492.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Helmond

Last updated on 27 November 2023