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Municipality of Noordwijk: registering a death

Declare the death at the municipality where the person died. Always before the funeral or cremation.

Declaration by funeral directors

Funeral directors can online register the death (in Dutch) for you at the municipality of Noordwijk. They need eHerkenning to do this. Funeral directors can also register the birth at the service desk. First make an appointment. Funeral directors can make an appointment online (in Dutch) or by phoning +31 71 36 60 000.

Declaration by surviving dependants

You can register the death yourself at the service desk at the municipality of Noordwijk. First make an appointment. You can make an appointment online (in Dutch) or by phoning +31 71 36 60 000.

Bring to your appointment:

  • Your valid identity document.
  • Death statement and cause of death statement, needed by the Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) .
  • A form of the funeral director.
  • If the person died of unnatural causes, a declaration of no-objection to the funeral or cremation from the public prosecutor.
  • If the funeral or cremation needs to be postponed, a declaration of no-objection from a medical practitioner.
  • If a section needs to be done, permission for dissection of the mayor.
  • Your Livret de Famille or Family Book if you also want to have the death recorded in the book.

Registering a death is free of charge.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Noordwijk

Visiting address

Voorstraat 42

2201HW Noordwijk

Opening hours
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
Last updated on 14 June 2024