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Municipality of Nijmegen: registering a death

A funeral director can register a death online.

As family or a friend of the deceased, you can also register a death yourself. To do so you have to book an appointment.

  • death certificate (A-declaration);
  • statement of cause of death (B-declaration);
  • if you come by appointment: passport or identity card.

You may need the following additional documents in some cases:

  • If the person died of unnatural causes: Verklaring van niet-natuurlijk overlijden (declaration of unnatural death) from a coroner and a Verklaring van geen bezwaar tegen begraven of cremeren (declaration of no-objection to the funeral or cremation) from the officier van justitie (public prosecutor.
  • If the funeral or cremation needs to be postponed, a Verklaring van geen bezwaar (declaration of no-objection) from a medical practitioner.
  • If the deceased’s wishes were to donate their body for scientific research: their will.
  • If the deceased is to be transported outside the Netherlands (not including Germany), a medical statement/certificate.
  • If the deceased’s wishes were to be buried or cremated within 36 hours or after 6 working days, a request with a Verklaring van geen bezwaar (declaration of no-objection) from the Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst – GGD (Municipal Health Service). This must be done within 36 hours, together with a declaration from the public prosecutor.
  • If the deceased person is not registered in the Netherlands or their Burgerservicenummer – BSN (citizen service number) is not known, a valid identity document of the deceased person.
  • If the date of death is not known (if the body was discovered), a proces-verbaal (official report) from the police.

Declaration by surviving dependants

You can register the death yourself. You must do this in the municipality where your loved one died. Book an appointment with the municipality of Nijmegen by calling +31 24 329 90 00.

Online registration by funeral directors

You can also ask the funeral home to register the death for you. Funeral homes who are located in the Netherlands can register deaths online.

Please note: person died abroad

If the person whom you want to register has died abroad, you cannot report this online or book an appointment yourself. Call us on +31 24 329 90 00.

  • registering a death: free of charge;
  • official copy of the death certificate: € 16,60;
  • verlof begraven of cremeren (permission for burial or cremation): free of charge.

  • As a surviving dependant, you receive the extract from the  death certificate and the verlof tot begraven of cremeren (permission for burial or cremation) immediately.
  • Funeral homes should receive the extract and any other documents on the same working day or, at the latest, the next working day.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Nijmegen

Visiting address

Mariënburg 30

6511PS Nijmegen

Opening hours
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -17:00
09:00 -20:00
09:00 -17:00
Last updated on 29 December 2023