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Municipality of Nieuwkoop: registering a death

You file the declaration in the municipality where the person died. Usually the funeral director reports the death (death registration).

In the Netherlands, a deceased person must be buried or cremated within six days of death. The civil registrar must issue a permit for this. It is therefore best to file a declaration (or have it done) with the municipality within five days. You can find more information about everything you need to arrange after a death on the site of the Rijksoverheid (Government).

  • Your valid proof of identity (passport, driver's license, Dutch identity card or residence permit).
  • A doctor's statement of the death (a so-called A statement).
  • Envelope with an explanation of the cause of death certificate (a so-called B form).

Declaration by next of kin

You can register a death yourself. You do this in the municipality where your loved one died. To do this, make an appointment with the municipality of Nieuwkoop via the digital appointment system or via telephone number +31 172 521100.

Online declaration by funeral directors

You can also ask a funeral director to file a declaration for you. Funeral directors established in the Netherlands can submit a declaration online.

Death abroad

If a resident of the municipality of Nieuwkoop has died abroad, this must be reported to the municipality. You must submit a death certificate. Depending on the country of death, the municipality may ask for legalization or an apostille. Was the death certificate drawn up in a language other than Dutch, German, English or French? Then you must have the deed translated by an interpreter/translator who is sworn in the Netherlands. You can also try to request an international deed. More information about death abroad can be found on the website of the Rijksoverheid (Government).

Report stillborn child

Was your child stillborn after a pregnancy of more than 24 weeks? Then you must report this to the municipality where the birth took place within five days. The mother and the father may report. But also the hospital or the funeral director.

If you, as a parent, want to file the declaration yourself, you can make an appointment by calling +31 172 521100. A 'certificate of a stillborn child' will be drawn up. This is also possible if the pregnancy has lasted less than 24 weeks. The certificate is included in the death register of the municipality where the birth took place.

Did the child come into the world alive, but died within three days? Then the parents have to report it. Both a birth certificate and a death certificate will be drawn up.

Registering a death is free. You do have to pay for the application for a death certificate. For more information, please contact the municipality of Nieuwkoop via or call +31 172 521100.

  • As a surviving dependant, you receive the extract from the  death certificate and the verlof tot begraven of cremeren (permission for burial or cremation) immediately.
  • Funeral homes should receive the extract and any other documents on the same working day or, at the latest, the next working day.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Nieuwkoop

Visiting address

Teylersplein 1

2441LE Nieuwveen

Opening hours
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 17:00
8:30 - 20:00
8:30 - 13:00
Last updated on 12 January 2023