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Municipality of Boekel: registering a civil partnership

You make a number of choices when planning and registering your intention to enter a civil partnership. These choices relate to the type of ceremony and the venue. The costs depend on your wishes and the possibilities in the municipality of Boekel.


The ceremony is the official part of entering your civil partnership. You can choose from:

  • no ceremony (free of charge);
  • simple ceremony;
  • elaborate ceremony.

If you choose an elaborate ceremony, you can choose who leads the ceremony. You can choose from:

  • wedding registrar from the municipality;
  • family member or acquaintance.

If you choose a wedding registrar from the municipality, a registrar from the municipality of Boekel will contact you a few weeks before the planned date to introduce themselves and find out more about you and your partner.

Do you want a family member or an someone you know to conduct the ceremony? If so, you must contact the municipality yourself.

Location of the ceremony

You can hold the ceremony to enter your civil partnership at various locations in the municipality of Boekel. You can choose from:

  • a municipal building;
  • a location of your own choice.

If you want to hold the ceremony at a location of your choice, contact the municipality.

Registering an intended civil partnership

You register your intended civil partnership with the municipality in which you wish to enter the civil partnership. Provide the details of yourself, your partner and your witnesses. This can be done up to 2 weeks before the ceremony date. You can do it online or at the town hall.


You pay a fee for this service. Civil partnerschaps on Mondays at 8.30 or 8.45 in the morning are free of charge.

For more information, contact the municipality.


If you do not agree with this decision, you can submit a notice of objection. You need to do this within six weeks from the date on which the decision was sent.

 You must send your notice of objection to:

Civil registrar

Postbus 99

5427 ZH Boekel

 In the notice of objection you need to mention:

-       The date on which you write your notice;

-       Your name and address;

-       With which decision you disagree;

-       The reasons on which you disagree with the decision.

The notice of objection must bear you signature.

 Submitting a notice of objection does not suspend the decision. This means the decision, against which you lodge a complaint, will have effect during the procedure of objection.


If you think the decision needs to be changed quickly to prevent irreversible consequences you can apply for provisional relief with the administrative court. This is an emergency procedure in which the judge can take measures to prevent irreversible consequences. To apply for provisional relief you need to pay a court fee. If you wish to apply for provisional relief you also need to send a letter to the preliminary relief judge of the Court ‘s-Hertogenbosch, Postbus 90125, 5200 MA ’s-Hertogenbosch.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Boekel

Visiting address

Sint Agathaplein 2

5427AB Boekel

Opening hours
9.00 - 12.30
9.00 - 12.30
9.00 - 12.30
13.30 - 19.30
9.00 - 12.30
9.00 - 12.30
Last updated on 5 February 2025