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Municipality of Veendam: paying the waste collection charge

Please note. You only pay afvalstoffenheffing (waste disposal charges) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Flat rate

You pay a flat rate based on the number of people in your household. The prices are publised on our website. 

Waste collection by letter

You will receive a letter from the municipality telling you how much garbage fee you have to pay. The letter will also tell you how to pay. And before which date you must do so.

Pay on time

Make sure you pay on time. Otherwise, you will have to pay a penalty.

Paying taxes

You can pay municipal taxes as follows:

There is a due date on the tax assessment. By that date, you must have paid the corresponding installment amount. It is in your best interest to pay on time. If you are late, you pay the costs of any collection measures yourself. These costs are stated in the law. You pay at least € 8 for a reminder and at least € 45 for a writ of execution.


You can ask the municipality if you do not have to pay part of the levy. This is called remission. Whether you are entitled to relief depends on your personal situation. You can apply for relief via:

online: relief

You can object if you think you are not the person the assessment is intended for. You cannot object to fees.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Veendam

Last updated on 23 January 2024