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Municipality of Hilvarenbeek: paying the waste collection charge

Please note. You only pay afvalstoffenheffing (waste disposal charges) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Tax bill

You will receive a municipal tax assessment notice every year. There are even more taxes on this. Such as sewerage charges. We try to impose all taxes simultaneously.

Pay by direct debit in 10 installments

You can pay municipal taxes by direct debit. Then you don't have to worry about it anymore. We will debit the amount from your account in ten installments.

Structure of waste levy

Your assessment notice will state the fixed amount for the waste levy for this year. In addition, the assessment notice states the amount you must pay for the times we emptied your container in the past year. The rates depend on the size and content of the container. The rate for emptying a residual waste container is higher than the rate for emptying a container intended for organic waste.

Disagree with the tax bill? You can object within six weeks of the date on your assessment notice.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Hilvarenbeek

Last updated on 31 October 2022