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Municipality of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht: paying the waste collection charge

You must pay the afvalstoffenheffing (waste collection charge) for the collection and processing of your household waste. The waste collection charge is billed by your municipality.

Waste collection charge

Municipalities calculate the amount of the waste collection charge in different ways. Some municipalities calculate the amount of the waste collection charge based of the size of your household. The larger your household, the more you pay. Other municipalities calculate the charge based on the amount of waste collected.

Fixed rate

You pay a fixed rate based on single-person households or multi-person households.

Waste collection charge letter

The municipality will send you a letter stating how much you have to pay for waste disposal. It will also state how and by what date you must pay.

Pay on time

Make sure that you pay on time. Otherwise you will have to pay a fine.


You can ask the municipality whether you are entitled to an exemption for paying part of the charge. That expemtion is referred to as kwijtschelding. Whether you are entitled to an exemption depends on your personal situation. You can apply for a remission via the Digital Tax Desk

For more information visit our website.

You can submit a digital objection within 6 weeks of the date. You will find this date on the assessment. For more information visit our website.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht

Last updated on 4 January 2023