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Municipality of Heerde: paying the waste collection charge

Please note. You only pay afvalstoffenheffing (waste disposal charges) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You pay a fixed amount (standing charge). This also applies if you do not offer household waste, because the garbage truck is obliged to come by.

You will receive a tax assessment from us. This states the amount that you have to pay.

If you leave the municipality or if you are going to live at an address for which waste levy is already paid, you will receive an exemption. You will then be refunded the amount of the remaining full months. It is important to report a move quickly (in Dutch), so that we can take this into account.

Amount per container offer

In addition to the standing charge, you pay an amount each time you present your container. The settlement for this is done afterwards. This means that you will receive a separate assessment notice for the number of times you have put the container on the road.

You pay a fixed amount (standing charge). This also applies if you do not offer household waste, because the garbage truck is obliged to come by. You will receive a tax assessment from us. This states the amount that you have to pay.

Check the current rates (in Dutch) on our website.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Heerde

Last updated on 9 January 2024