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Municipality of Doetinchem: paying the waste collection charge

Please note that you will only have to pay afvalstoffenheffing (waste disposal charges) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You will have to pay the following waste disposal charges in the municipality of Doetinchem:

Flat + variable rate

You will have to pay a flat rate and a variable rate.

Flat rate

You have to pay a flate rate based on the number of people in your household:

Household type2023
One person household€ 244,80
Multiple people household€ 278,40

Variable rate

You will also have to pay a variable rate. This payment depends on the number of times you throw out waste or have it picked up, or how many kilos of waste. The more often or the higher the amount you dispose of, the higher the variable rate.

Costs per emptying

Container typeAmount per container offering or bag
Small gray container for residual waste (140 liter)€ 5,-
Large gray container for residual waste (240 liter)€ 10,-
Bag of residual waste in an underground container (60 liter)€ 2,-

Costs of an extra container

Extra containerRate
an extra residualcontainer (gray)€ 151,20
an extra GFT container (green)€ 39,60
an extra paper container (blue)€ 39,60
an extra PBD container (orange)€ 39,60

Waste disposal charge by letter

You will receive a letter from the municipality that will inform you how much waste disposal charge you will have to pay. The letter will also detail how you will have to pay and before which date this has to be done.

Pay on time

Make sure that you pay on time. Otherwise you will have to pay a fine.


You can request an exemption from the municipality for part of the charge. This is called remission. Your right to  remission depends on your personal circumstances.

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality Contact en openingstijden | Gemeente Doetinchem.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Doetinchem

Last updated on 19 December 2023