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Municipality of Westerwolde: paying property tax (OZB) on a property

Note. Are you the owner of a (holiday) house or apartment in the Netherlands? In that case you pay you must pay property tax (OZB) For this, you do not need to be registered in a municipality.

The amount of property tax (OZB) you must pay depends on the:

  • Value of the property
  • Property tax rates that are applicable in your municipality

The municipality determines the value of your commercial property every year on 1 January [or other date]. This is the Valuation of Immovable Property Act (Wet Waardering Onroerende Zaken, WOZ) The municipality uses the previous year's WOZ value to determine the amount of the OZB.


Would you like to know rates? Please contact us: Phone: +31 599 32 02 20 or e-mail:

Paying property tax

Every year your municipality will send you the OZB assessment. This assessment will state the amount you need to pay. You must pay this amount within 6 weeks. Are you unable to pay the amount in one lump sum? In that case, you have the possibility to pay in instalments: you request a direct debit and the municipality will debit the amount in instalments (every month) from your bank account.


Unable to pay the OZB assessment? You can request the municipality whether you are exempt from paying (part of) it. This is known as remission. You can apply for remission by contacting the Noordelijk Belastingkantoor


Will you be moving later in the year? In that case, you will still have to pay the OZB assessment determined by the municipality on 1 January. You do not have to pay any further OZB for your new premises. Usually, the notary will settle this with the new proprietors.

Do you disagree with the WOZ of your property? Or with the OZB assessment? If so, you can object. Call us: +31 599 32 02 20.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Westerwolde

Visiting address

Dorpsstraat 1

9551AB Sellingen

Opening hours
09.00 - 16.00
09.00 - 16.00
09.00 - 19.00
09.00 - 16.00
09.00 - 12.00
Last updated on 14 December 2022