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Municipality of Nijmegen: paying parking tax

If you have not paid for parking, you will be charged a penalty. This is referred to as a parkeerbon (parking ticket) or parking fine. You receive this parking fine from your municipality. And you pay the fine to the municipality.

You may also be fined for a traffic violation (Wet Mulder, 'Mulder Act'). For example, for parking in a place where that is not allowed. You pay a traffic fine to the Centraal Justitieel Incassobureau - CJIB ('Central Judicial Collection Agency').

Payment of a parking fine

The costs of a parking fine are € 68,- including the parking costs for 1 hour.

You can pay a parking fine by transferring the money to: 

Name: Gemeente Nijmegen, FA70 Gemeentebelastingen
Account number: NL21 INGB 0003 1579 62 (Bank Identifier Code is INGBNL2A)
Specifying the following: the number of your parking fine.

Payment of traffic fine

You can recognize a traffic fine by the letter M (from the Mulder law) at the top right in the letter. You pay this fine to the CJIB (

Parking fine

Do you disagree with the fine? If so, you can lodge a complaint. You must do so within 6 weeks as soon as you have officially received the fine by letter. Please note: pay your fine on time, even if you lodge a complaint. If your complaint is justified, you will be refunded the costs.

You can lodge a complaint by writing us. Put in your complaint:

  • your name and address;
  • date;
  • number of the fine;
  • reason for your complaint;
  • your signature.

Send your complaint to:

Gemeente Nijmegen
Afdeling Belastingen
Postbus 9105
6500 HG Nijmegen

Traffic fine

If you have received a traffic fine, you can lodge a complaint at the CJIB (

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Nijmegen

Last updated on 29 December 2023