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Municipality of Maastricht: paying parking tax

If you have not paid (enough) for parking your car in Maastricht, you will be charged a penalty. This is referred to as a parkeerbon (parking ticket / penalty charge notice). You receive the parking ticket from the municipality.

The amount of a parking ticket is €69.30 (rate 2023). The applicable parking fee for 1 hour at the parking location is added to this.


You can pay the parking ticket by transferring the money to the municipality. Please use the details below.

* Account name: Gemeente Maastricht - V&L
* Account number: NL 66 BNGH 02 850 49 186
* Payment description or reference: the licence plate number or payment reference stated on the parking ticket

The municipality will send the parking ticket to the vehicle's license plate holder as soon as possible.

The parking ticket shows the payment deadline. We will take further collection measures (after-tax) if you do not pay on time.

You can challenge your parking ticket if you feel that the ticket was incorrectly issued. You must do so within 6 weeks.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Maastricht

Last updated on 10 December 2023