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Municipality of Dordrecht: paying parking tax

If you have not paid for parking, you will be charged a penalty. This is referred to as a parkeerbon (parking ticket). You receive this parking ticket from your municipality.

Payment can be made in the following ways: -

  • within 24 hours by appointment during our opening hours at the Stadswinkel (only with pin)
  •  via the payment details that you will find on the copy (duplicate) additional tax assessment that we send you. You must pay within 14 days

The municipality will send the parking ticket (levy) within a few weeks. You must pay within 14 days.

Do you disagree with the levy? Then you can object. You do this within 6 weeks and online. Check out our website for more information.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Dordrecht

Last updated on 8 December 2022