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Municipality of Doesburg: paying parking tax

If you have not paid for parking, you will be charged a penalty. This is referred to as a parkeerbon (parking ticket). You receive this parking ticket from your municipality.

You pay a fee for this service.
Parkeerbelasting | Gemeente Doesburg

For more information, contact the municipality.

Municipality of Doesburg
Postal address: PO Box 100, 6980 AC Doesburg
E-mail address:
Telephone: (0313) 48 13 13

The municipality will send you the parking ticket within 21 working days.

You must pay the parking ticket within 42 days. What happens if you do not pay on time? You will be charged a further penalty.

Do you disagree with the charge? If so, you can lodge a complaint. You can do so by email, post or online. You must do so within 6 weeks.

Municipality of Doesburg
Postal address: PO Box 100, 6980 AC Doesburg
E-mail address:
Telephone: (0313) 48 13 13

Bezwaar maken | Gemeente Doesburg

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Doesburg

Last updated on 28 November 2023