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Municipality of Zaltbommel: exchanging a foreign driving licence for a Dutch driving licence

Please note: you must live in the Netherlands and be registered with a municipality to exchange a foreign driving licence. You must hand in your foreign driving licence when you apply. You are not allowed to drive until you have received your new driving licence.

  • your (old) valid foreign driving license (this will be sent to the RDW)
  • a good-looking passport photo. Please note the requirements?
  • in a number of cases a declaration of suitability. Check with the municipality whether this is required for your exchange
  • a valid proof of identity (identity or residence document)
  • possibly a translation of foreign documents. The translation must be made by a sworn interpreter or by the Embassy or Consulate.
  • a bank card or cash. You pay at the time of application

You will visit the municipal office for this purpose.

Appointment to exchange a foreign driving license

Or for information call 140418 or from abroad: (0031) 418 681681.

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality Zaltbommel by calling 140418 (from abroad (0031) 418 681681) or mail to

It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the licences to be exchanged. You will receive a letter from the Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer – RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority) when you can collect your driving licence. You must collect your driving licence in person. You have 3 months to do this after you have received the letter from the RDW. After that time, the driving licence will be destroyed.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Zaltbommel

Last updated on 5 January 2024