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Municipality of Veendam: applying for a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag (VOG)

An organization may ask you for a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). For example, an employer, because you will be working in childcare, education or as a cab driver. Or because you need a visa. This declaration states that you have not done anything criminal that has to do with the reason for which you need the VOG.

Organizations can also apply for a VOG. For example, to conclude a contract.

You can get a VOG if you do not have a criminal record. Have you done something criminal? Then Justis will check whether you can still obtain a certificate. This is only possible if the crime has nothing to do with the reason for which you are applying for the certificate.

You apply for the Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG) from the municipality where you are registered. It goes like this:

Make an appointment

  • Come to your appointment in person. Bring the following with you:
    - The completed application form. You usually get this form from the organization asking you for the statement.
    - Your proof of identity, such as a passport or driver's license.
    - Your bank card. You pay immediately at the time of application.

You can also authorize someone to make the application. You give this person a written authorization with your signature on it. This person will bring along:

  • the written authorization with your signature 
  • his or her own identity document
  • A copy of your proof of identity.

Or request the VOG online through Justis. This can be done when the organization that needs the VOG from you prepares the application.

Application through the municipality: €41,35

Application through Justis: €33.85

(prices 2024)

Are you a volunteer and do you work with young people under 18? Or with vulnerable persons? You can obtain the VOG free of charge. For more information, visit the Justis site or

Please allow for a delivery time of 2 to 4 weeks

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Veendam

Last updated on 23 January 2024