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Municipality of Heerde: applying for a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag (VOG)

Please note: you can apply for a Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag – VOG (certificate of conduct) only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality

You can apply for a VOG online from Justis if your employer has eHerkenning.

Apply for a VOG (in Dutch)

If your employer does not have eHerkenning or does not meet the conditions, you can apply for a VOG from the municipality.

VOG aanvragen bij de gemeente (in Dutch) Note: you must enclose a scan of a completed application form (in Dutch). 

Do you not want to apply for the VOG online? Then apply for a VOG in person at the municipal office. You must make an appointment (in Dutch) for this. You must bring a valid proof of identity and a completed VOG application form (in Dutch).

  • A digital VOG application costs: € 33.85.
  • A written application to the municipality costs: € 41.35.

For more information, contact (in Dutch) the municipality.

You will receive the VOG or the refusal within 4 weeks at the address you specify in the application.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Heerde

Last updated on 2 January 2023