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Municipality of The Hague: applying for study benefit for students with a disability

Please note: you can apply for a studietoeslag (study benefit) only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

The following conditions apply:

  • You are registered with the municipality of The Hague.
  • You do not receive Wajong benefits, which are benefits under the Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening jonggehandicapten (Law on the provision of incapacity benefit to disabled young people).
  • You receive student finance under the Wet op de studiefinanciering – WSF (Student Finance Act) or a contribution on the basis of the Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten – WTOS (Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act).
  • You are fundamentally unable to earn an income alongside your studies due to illness or infirmity. You will receive an invitation for a medical examination.

Fill in the form in full and return it together with the attachments to:

Gemeente Den Haag, SZW 
Postbus 12610 
2500 DK Den Haag

You must upload/attach the following attachments to the application form:

  • A copy of a valid identity document (passport, identity card or verblijfsvergunning (residence permit) (not a driving licence).
  • A letter confirming the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs – DUO (education implementation service) grant of your student finance. That can be based on either the WSF or the WTOS.
  • A copy of a bank statement specifying the name of the account and the account number into which the allowance will be deposited.

Study benefit amounts

The amount of the study benefit is € 328.59 per month for everyone from 15 years and over.

You will receive a letter informing you of the outcome within 8 weeks of your application. What happens if the application is incomplete or more time is needed for the investigation? Processing may take longer than 8 weeks in such cases.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of The Hague

Last updated on 10 November 2023