Municipality of Nederweert: applying for study benefit for students with a disability
Please note: you can apply for a studietoeslag (study benefit) only if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.
The following conditions apply:
- You are registered with the municipality of Nederweert.
- You do not receive Wajong benefits, which are benefits under the Wet arbeidsongeschiktheidsvoorziening jonggehandicapten (Law on the provision of incapacity benefit to disabled young people).
- You receive student finance under the Wet op de studiefinanciering – WSF (Student Finance Act) or a contribution on the basis of the Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten – WTOS (Fees and Educational Expenses (Allowances) Act).
- You are fundamentally unable to earn an income alongside your studies due to illness or infirmity. You can demonstrate this by means of a recent medical report from a recognised medical examiner. That report shows that you have limited capacity due to your disability. The report may not be more than 2 years old. Do you not have that report? The municipality will assess whether you belong to the target group on the basis of the Verordening loonkostensubsidie (Wage Subsidy Regulation). You must cooperate with any investigation that may be required.
Make an appointment to request the study benefit via +31 495 677 111. You can call every working day between 09:00 and 11:00. 7 111.
You must reapply for study benefit for each new school year.
Study benefit amounts
The amount of the study benefit depends on your age. These are the statutory amounts per month:
- 21 years of age and over: € 300.00;
- 20 years of age: € 240.00;
- 19 years of age: € 180.00;
- 18 years of age: € 150.00;
- 17 years of age: € 118.50;
- 16 years of age: € 103.50;
- 15 years of age: € 90.00.
You will receive a letter informing you of the outcome within 8 weeks of your application. What happens if the application is incomplete or more time is needed for the investigation? Processing may take longer than 8 weeks in such cases.
Questions about this topic?
Contact the Municipality of Nederweert
Last updated on 25 October 2022