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Municipality of Nijmegen: applying for social assistance

Please note: you can only apply for bijstand (social assistance) if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You can apply for social assistance from the municipality of Nijmegen if you meet the following additional conditions:

  • You live in the municipality of Nijmegen.
  • You are 27 years or older.
  • You do not yet receive an Algemene Ouderdomswet – AOW (State Pension).
  • Do you live with your partner or have a joint household with someone? If so, the income and savings of that person are also taken into account.

For more information, and to apply for social assistance, you can go to You must first register as a job seeker on You can then apply for social assistance online.

Do you need help with the application? Then please contact one of the Stips in Nijmegen: call +31 24 350 20 00 or send an email to A Stip is an information point that you will find in every quarter in Nijmegen. The staff in the Stip can help you with, for example, filling in forms.

Younger than 27 years

Are you between 18 and 27 years old? Then first make an appointment with the WerkBedrijf: call +31 24 751 75 00 or send an email to A consultant of the WerkBedrijf will call you within 5 - 8 working days for an intake.

From the moment you have set an appointment, you are required to actively look for work or education during 4 weeks. Did you not succeed in finding work or education during these 4 weeks? Then you can apply for social assistance at Nijmegen. The consultant from WerkBedrijf with whom you had the telephone intake, ensures that you receive the data to submit the application.

You will find out within 8 weeks whether you will receive social assistance. You will receive social assistance from the date of the application.

Is the period of 8 weeks too long for you because then you will run into financial problems? Then call the municipality of Nijmegen on +31 24 329 90 00.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Nijmegen

Last updated on 3 February 2025