Municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk: applying for social assistance
Those without income can apply for benefits under certain conditions. Self-employed persons are also entitled to this.
Do you not have enough income or assets to live a normal life? Then you can apply for social assistance . The idea is that the benefit is given if the right conditions are met. The benefit is intended to help you get through the period until you find a job (again).
To apply for assistance from Ferm Werk, you must live in one of the municipalities of Woerden, Bodegraven-Reeuwijk, Montfoort or Oudewater. You must be older than 18 and not yet have reached retirement age.
If you are unable to work (fully) or cannot earn your own income, you can apply for social assistance from Ferm Werk. If you are entitled to social assistance, we will pay it to you. If you receive social assistance, it is the intention that you continue to look for work. That is your duty. If looking for work is difficult, we are happy to help you with that too.
You can apply for social assistance from Ferm Werk if you meet the following additional conditions:
- You live in the municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk.
- You do not yet receive an Algemene Ouderdomswet – AOW (State Pension).
- Do you live with your partner or have a joint household with someone? If so, the income and savings of that person are also taken into account.
- You are participating in activities offered to you by Ferm Werk to find work.
- You must understand, speak, read and write Dutch to a sufficient standard. You are entitled to social welfare assistance even if your Dutch is not good enough. However, the municipality may reduce your welfare benefit if you do not do your best to learn Dutch.
- Are you between 18 and 27 years old? If so, you can also apply for social assistance on the condition that, first, you actively look for work or education for 4 weeks.
For more information, and to apply for social assistance, you can go to or call 0031348497000.
You will find out within 8 weeks whether you will receive social assistance. You will receive social assistance from the date of the application.
If we make a decision regarding your social assistance, you will be notified in writing. You can disagree with such a decision, or the way in which it is carried out by Ferm Werk, and then you can appeal.
An objection therefore has to do with dissatisfaction on your part when it comes to decisions about your social assistance. You must submit an objection in writing. If you receive a letter from us with a decision, you have 6 weeks to let us know that you are objecting. Always state your name and address details in your objection and clearly state which decision you are objecting to.
You can send the notice of objection to:
Dagelijks Bestuur Ferm Werk
Carrosserieweg 1
3445 BC Woerden
Contact Ferm Werk by phone 0031348497000 or send an e-mail to
Questions about this topic?
Contact the Municipality of Bodegraven-Reeuwijk