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Municipality of Voorschoten: applying for a second passport

  • A colour passport photo that meets the passport photo requirements.
  • All the travel documents that you have, even if they have expired.
  • A letter in which you demonstrate that you need a second passport. This may include, for example, business contracts, travel bookings, invitations from foreign companies, or other documents demonstrating that you need a second passport for business travel.
  • Your first passport. Are you not currently in possession of your first passport because you have applied for a visa? If so, bring evidence of this with you.

You must apply for a second passport in person at the municipality where you live. You must also collect the passport in person.

Book an appointment now to apply for a second passport.

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Urgent application

Do you need your document sooner than in 6 working days’ time? If so, you can request the urgent procedure. There is a surcharge for this service. If you apply before 12:00, you will be able to collect your passport after 2 workings days.

Do you need your document sooner? You may be eligible for an emergency passport from the Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Netherlands Military Police). More information can be found on the Defensie website

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality.

Your passport will be ready for collection from the municipality after 6 working days. You have 3 months in which to collect your new passport.

A second passport is valid for 2 years.

Last updated on 11 December 2022