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Municipality of Helmond: applying for a second passport

You can apply for a business passport if you often travel abroad. A business passport has extra pages for foreign customs stamps and/or visas. Do you regularly visit different countries for business or personal reasons? Sometimes stamps from visited countries in your passport cause problems when entering another country. This is when a second passport is a solution. To apply for a second passport, your first passport must still be valid for at least six months. You must also be able to prove that you need the second passport. You can find more information on the central government website.

Do you live abroad and want to apply for a second passport in the Netherlands? If so, you can apply to a designated municipality (border municipality).

Do you live in Helmond and do you have DigiD? Then you can arrange the application for your travel document the quickest way by preparing it online. You can start the application via this link.

Don't have DigiD? Then make an appointment online here.

Emergency application

Does 5 working days take too long? Then you can use the urgent procedure. Please contact us by telephone on 14 0492 (do not put an area code in front of the number) and we will make an appointment with you in the urgent agenda. If you request the urgent procedure before 2pm, you will have your passport or identity card in your possession within 1 working day. An urgent application costs an additional 53 euros.

The cost for a business passport or second passport is: €77.85

Do you want to apply for a passport urgently? Then you pay €53.00 extra.

(rates 2023)

How long is a travel document valid?

Passport or identity card for adults: 10 years

You can collect the passport from the Stadswinkel after 5 working days.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Helmond

Last updated on 4 December 2023