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Municipality of Moerdijk: applying for a planning permit

Do you want to know whether you need an omgevingsvergunning (planning permit)? You can do an online vergunningcheck (permit check) at the Omgevingsloket online (planning permit online service desk) in Dutch.

Not all activities are subject to conditions. Sometimes you do not need permission from the government. Check this on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment , in the environmental counter at the permit check.

Do you need a permit? Then it is not known in advance which conditions you must meet. This depends on what you want to do and what the situation is, for example:

  • Local Rules
  • Destination plan
  • Scope and type of activity
  • Views of local residents

Starting point of the environmental permit

Characteristic of the environmental permit is that your wish is central, not the rules or conditions. Do you want to build a house? Then you have to deal with a zoning plan, building regulations and rules for fire safety. An environmental permit aligns all those conditions with what you want to do, in one permit.

What can I arrange with an environmental permit?

All activities in the field of:

  • Building and renovating (including monuments)
  • Demolish
  • Make an exit
  • Fire safety, destination of a site or building
  • Environmental tax
  • Destination of land or building
  • Digging or excavating soil
  • Chop trees
  • Placing advertising (e.g. cabinet for illuminated advertising)

Do I only need one permit?

In principle yes. There are some exceptions. Sometimes a separate notification is required. For example, in the case of the fire safety of a building. 

Companies check in advance whether an environmental notification is necessary. This is possible with the assessment model on the website of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. 

Are you unsure whether the environmental permit covers everything you want to do?

Then contact the municipality.

Sometimes it is necessary to apply for multiple environmental permits. In a complex application, not all activities are always related. You then apply for them separately one by one. 

You can also apply for the environmental permit in phases. You determine the phasing yourself. The advantage of this is that the municipality coordinates the follow-up application with the previous application and makes a decision.

piling? Prefer to use drill screw piles

Piling work close to buildings often causes nuisance and sometimes damage. Use an anti-vibration system (e.g. mortar screw piles).

The questions show what you are taking with you. Which documents, drawings, photographs and the like. That differs per activity. You will be notified if more documents are required.

Applying for an environmental permit for a larger structure, for example a house?
Then you need an environmental performance calculation.

  1. Do the permit check in  the Environment Counter. Here you can see whether an environmental permit is required.
  2. Is a permit required? Request this in  the Environment Desk .
  3. You will receive a written answer from the municipality, the province, the water board or the national government.
    1. Consultation is usually required. After all, an environmental permit is tailor-made.
  4. If your application is approved, you will receive the permit and the associated conditions.
  5. Do you disagree with the decision? Then object.


Would you like to know in advance whether your plan is feasible? Then have your plan tested by the municipality first. For more information, see:  Preliminary consultation for a permit application


A regular or an extended preparation period may be required. That depends on the request. A normal preparation period lasts eight weeks, from the confirmation of the application to the announcement of the decision. Sometimes an extension of six weeks is added. An extensive preparation period lasts six months, with a possible extension of six weeks. You will hear in advance how long it will take for you.

The initiative of the application lies with you

The environmental permit deals with many different things at once. In the module you go through these and answer the questions. You decide what you request. The initiative and responsibility lie with you.

The costs depend on your request. View the fee regulation on the website for this . 

Associations and foundations

Associations and foundations that work for residents of Moerdijk are sometimes exempt from the fees for an environmental permit. Mail or write your application to the employee who will handle your application and check the building plan.

Enclose a copy of the statutes (objective) of your organization. More information can be found in the  Policy rule Exemption from fees environmental permit Moerdijk .

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Moerdijk

Visiting address

Pastoor van Kessellaan 15

4761BJ Zevenbergen

Opening hours
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
18.00 - 20.00
08.30 - 12.00
Last updated on 25 November 2022