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Municipality of Voerendaal: applying for a personalised disabled parking space

Please note: you can only apply for a parking space for the disabled by registration number if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You are eligible for your own disabled parking space under the following conditions:

  • You have a disabled parking card (driver card or passenger card) or you meet the conditions for a disabled parking card;
  • The car is in your name. In the case of a passenger card, the car is registered in the name of your assistant driver;
  • Parking in the immediate vicinity of your home or destination is often not possible, because the available parking spaces are usually occupied;
  • Road safety and the efficient use of the road must not be disrupted by the construction of a disabled parking space;
  • If your employer applies for a disabled parking space for you, he must demonstrate that the location of your work is near the requested parking space. The employer must also demonstrate that you work for him;
  • You cannot create a parking space on your own property, for example in the front garden.

You can apply online, by post or at the service desk.

Applying online

Send your question to

By post

Send your request to Postbus 23000, 6367 ZG Voerendaal

At the service desk

You can also apply for the parking space at the municipality’s service desk. Make an appointment by calling 045-575 33 00

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality of Voerendaal.

You will usually receive a letter within 2 weeks of applying stating whether or not you will be given the parking space. If an advisory opinion is needed, for example from the Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst – GGD (Municipal Health Service) or the traffic police, you will receive a response within 8 weeks of applying.

Placing the parking space

If you are entitled to a parking space for the disabled, the municipality will contact you by telephone to determine the location in consultation with you. The municipality will place the parking space within 2 months.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Voerendaal

Last updated on 19 December 2022