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Municipality of Maasdriel: applying for a personalised disabled parking space

Please note: you can only apply for a parking space for the disabled by registration number if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You can apply with a form or at the service desk.

Application form

Complete the form and send it to the municipality :

At the service desk

You can also apply for the parking space at the municipality’s service desk.

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality via

You will usually receive a letter within 2 weeks of applying stating whether or not you will be given the parking space. If an advisory opinion is needed, for example from the Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst – GGD (Municipal Health Service) or the traffic police, you will receive a response within 8 weeks of applying.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Maasdriel

Last updated on 5 December 2023