Municipality of Doetinchem: applying for a personalised disabled parking space
Please note: you can only apply for a parking space for people with disabilities by registration number if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.
You can apply for for a parking space for people with disabilities by registration number online or at the service desk of the municipality.
Applying online
Log in with yout DigiD and complete the application form.
At the service desk
You can also request the parking space at the service desk of the municipality. Make an appointment online.
You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality Contact en openingstijden | Gemeente Doetinchem.
Possible compensation
You can, in certain occasions, get compensation for the placement of a parking space through the Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning Wmo (Social Support Act). You will be able to find more information regarding this at the Buurtplein website.
Your application will take approximately 3 months to process.
Questions about this topic?
Contact the Municipality of Doetinchem