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Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch: applying for a personal budget (PGB)

Please note. You can only apply for pgb if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality. 

A personal budget allows you to buy care, help or support. There are two types of pgb:  

  1. Pgb via Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning (Wmo). Are you receiving Wmo support from your municipality? And would you like to arrange this help yourself? If so, you can apply for a pgb with your municipality.  
  2. Pgb via the Youth Act. If your child receives support under the Youth Act, you can also arrange this help yourself with a PGB. You can apply for this from the municipality's youth care department.

Social Support Act (WMO)

You have a request for help under the Social Support Act or Youth Care Act. Together with a staff member of the municipality you have examined your request for help and what your goal is. Together, you will then have considered which support or aid is best suited to your situation. The result of the conversation may be that you find a solution yourself or with people close to you. But sometimes specialised support or an aid is needed.  

After it has been decided that you need specialised support, you can ask the municipality to arrange and pay for it for you. This is called 'help in kind'.  

Investigation plan

Once your situation has been assessed, you and a municipal employee will draw up an investigation plan. You may be able to use this yourself. And that you can take care of the rest yourself. Is more needed? Then the municipality may grant an individual provision. In that case, the municipality will arrange and pay for a contracted provider. We call this help in kind. Another possibility is a personal budget if you meet the conditions. We discuss what suits you best when drawing up the research plan.  


To receive a pgb budget, you must meet a number of conditions:  

  • You draw up a pgb plan. In this care plan, you specify the help you need.  
  • The chosen care providers must meet quality requirements.  
  • You conclude an agreement with the care providers yourself.  
  • You must manage your pgb yourself. For example, you must draw up a contract with the care providers yourself. You must also manage them and keep your records. You can also ask a pgb representative to do this for you.


You do not receive the money from your pgb yourself. The municipality pays your pgb to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). You send your care providers' invoices to the SVB. The SVB pays these invoices. You do keep the invoices in your records.  

Contact the municipality

For applications and more information, contact the Koo information and advice point on +31 73 206 88 88 or go to the Koo website.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch

Visiting addresses

Hoff van Hollantlaan 1

5243SR Rosmalen

Opening hours
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 12.00
08.30 - 20.00
08.30 - 12.00
08.30 - 17.00

Wolvenhoek 1

5211HH 's-Hertogenbosch

Opening hours
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 20.00
08.30 - 17.00
Last updated on 30 January 2024