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Municipality of Lisse: applying for a personal budget (pgb)

Please note: you can only apply for a PGB if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

You can use a persoonsgebonden budget – PGB (personal budget) to buy care, help or support. 

There are 2 types of personal budget:

PGB via the Wet maatschappelijke ondersteuning – WMO (Social Support Act)

Do you receive Wmo support from your municipality? Do you want to arrange this help yourself? Then you can apply for a PGB from your municipality.

PGB through the Jeugdwet (Youth Act)

If your child receives support under the Jeugdwet, you can use a personal budget to arrange that help yourself as well. You can apply for it through your municipality’s jeugdhelp (youth assistance) service.

To be eligible for a PGB, you must meet a number of requirements:

  • You must draw up a PGB plan, in which you must specify what help you need.
  • The care providers that you select must meet quality requirements.
  • You must conclude an agreement with the care providers yourself.
  • You must be able to manage your PGB yourself. For example, you must conclude a contract with the care providers yourself. You must also direct them and keep records. You can also ask a PGB representative to do this for you.


You do not receive the money from your PGB yourself. The municipality pays your personal budget to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank – SVB (social insurance bank). You send your care providers’ invoices to the SVB. The SVB will then pay them. You must keep the invoices for your records.

How to apply for a PGB:

Your municipality will inform you within 8 weeks of their decision.


Contact details are not yet available for your municipality.

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Last updated on 15 November 2023