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Municipality of Amersfoort: applying for a personal budget (PGB)

Do you need support under the Social Support Act (Wmo) or youth support under the Youth Act due to illness, a disability or old age? Then a personal budget can be a good way to arrange this support or help. You then choose your own care provider and determine when and how you will receive help.

Rules of play for pgb

You can be in control of the help or support you need or that you need someone to help with this. Being in charge means:

  • organizing and purchasing help
  • keeping the records
  • monitoring that you get the right support
  • assessing after a number of months whether the support is satisfactory.

For which no pgb

A pgb may not be used for some things. Namely:

  • crisis assistance, crisis care or emergency care
  • sheltered living in the home
  • mediation or administration costs
  • vacation or holiday pay
  • travel expenses or gifts

Implementation plan

You make your own implementation plan for the purchase of the required support or youth assistance. This plan states:

  • How you will organize the support or youth assistance
  • Who will provide the youth support or assistance
  • Whether the care provider has the necessary qualifications.
  • What the costs of the support or youth care will be.

How to apply for a PGB:

  • Support via the WMO can be applied for via 00 31 33 469 51 11.
  • Support via the Jeugdwet can be applied for via 00 31 33 469 51 11.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Amersfoort

Last updated on 25 January 2024