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Municipality of Zwolle: applying for a parking permit

Residents are eligible for a residents permit. Due to the (very) high parking pressure, a maximum of one parking permit per address is granted in and around the city centre. In other places in the city, a maximum of two parking permits can be granted per address if a second resident with a motor vehicle lives at an address. No two permits are issued to one person.

To apply for a parking permit, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Your vehicle registration certificate  is in your name. Or, if you are leasing or renting  a car, the contract is in your name.
  • You live in the Netherlands and are registered in the municipality where you wish to apply for the parking permit.
  • If you are not registered in the municipality where you wish to apply for a parking permit, you must prove that you live and work in that municipality.
  • Your vehicle must not exceed the emissions-based requirements.

You can apply for 1 or a maximum of 2 parking permits per address. This differs per sector. Check in which parking sector you live.

You can apply for a parking permit online via the parking counter.

You pay a fee for this service. 

Overview parking fees

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Zwolle

Last updated on 6 February 2023