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Municipality of Oldenzaal: applying for a parking permit

To apply for a parking permit, you must meet the following conditions:

  • Your vehicle registration certificate  is in your name. Or, if you are leasing or renting  a car, the contract is in your name.
  • You live in the Netherlands and are registered in the municipality where you wish to apply for the parking permit.
  • If you are not registered in the municipality where you wish to apply for a parking permit, you must prove that you live and work in that municipality.
  • Your vehicle must not exceed the emissions-based requirements.


You can apply for a parking permit online. To do so, log in with your DigiD. Inloggen - gemeente Oldenzaal

By appointment

Do you wish to come to the municipality to apply for a parking permit? If so, make an appointment.

Contact en openingstijden | Gemeente Oldenzaal

Parking in the paid parking area (centre)

Resident permit paid parking. With this permit, only residents can park in the paid parking zone. It costs € 80 per calendar year. Home-work permit. With this permit, people who work in the city center can park in the paid parking zone. It costs €190 per calendar year. Parking in area permit holders

resident permit area permit holders

This permit allows residents to park in their own zone. It costs €80 per calendar year. This is only possible in the zones below:

  • zone Beatrixstraat
  • zone Bentinckstraat
  • zone Bleekstraat
  • zone Julianastraat e.o.
  • zone Kloosterstraat
  • zone Lindestraat
  • zone Molenkampstraat
  • zone Populierstraat
  • zone Prins Bernhardstraat
  • zone Scholtenhoeklaan
  • zone Tijgaardenstraat
  • lus Hofstraat, Bisschopspoort en Langestraat.

Visitor card

This permit can only be applied for by residents for their own permit holder zone. Exceptions to this are the Hofstraat, Bisschopspoort and Langestraat zones. It costs €80 per calendar year. You can link the permit to changing number plates, but only for 1 visitor at a time. Visitors can register and deregister via a (web) app or by telephone.

Parking permit companies

You can apply for this permit if your company is located in an area where paid parking or parking for permit holders applies. This only applies to the paid parking zone in the center or the Hofstraat loop zones, Bisschopspoort zone or Langestraat zone. It costs €190 per calendar year. You can link the permit to changing number plates, but only for 1 (company) car at a time. You can register and deregister the registration number of your (company) car via a (web) app or by telephone. This permit is not intended for employees of a company in the city center. They can apply for a home-work permit.

About the costs. All amounts include a €20 administrative fee. These are costs that we have to incur for processing your application. The permit is valid until the end of the calendar year. Are you canceling the permit before the end of the calendar year? Then you may receive a refund for the full quarters that you no longer use the permit.

It is not possible to obtain a parking permit for some areas. This may be the case, for example, in areas in which there is a (future) new construction project or which are being developed. In some cases, however, you can apply for an exemption for a certain zone.

Contact en openingstijden | Gemeente Oldenzaal

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Oldenzaal

Last updated on 17 February 2025