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Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch: applying for a new passport or renewing your old one

Please note. You can only apply for or renew a passport if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality. Applying for a passport is by appointment only. You apply for and collect it yourself. You can collect a travel document at the location where you applied for it. You pay the costs at the time of application.

Make an appointment to apply for a passport

Do you have Dutch nationality but no permanent place of residence in the Netherlands? If so, you can apply for or renew a passport at a border municipality.


The period of validity of an adult passport is 10 years. 

Physically or mentally disabled

Are you physically or mentally disabled and live independently? You want to apply for a passport but cannot come to the municipality to do so? If so, please contact the municipality's Public Services Department by calling +31 73 615 51 55.

Urgent application

Do you need a passport quickly? Then apply for an urgent passport. You pay extra for this. If you apply for the passport before 2 p.m., it will be ready after 2 working days. Do you need the passport sooner? Then you can call the first day after your request from 10 a.m. to see if it has arrived yet. If you no longer have your old passport, an urgent procedure (expedited procedure)  is not always possible.

Are you leaving today? For more information, please visit the central government website.

Bring with you when you come to apply for a passport

  • All your old travel document(s): passport and/or identity card, valid or not.
  • A recent colour passport photo no older than six months, which meets the passport photo requirements. A school photo will not suffice. See the passport photo requirements on the central government website.
  • For a second passport: supporting documents explaining the need for a second passport.

Younger than 18? Or are you applying for a passport for your child?

Parents, legal guardians or authorized representatives apply for a passport for a child under 18. The child must also be present at the appointment. The child should also come with you when collecting a passport from the age of four.

Then also bring:

  • An original proof of identity from (both) parent(s) or guardian(s).
  • All travel documents held by your child, even if the document is expired.
  • A completed consent form from (both) parent(s) or the person(s) with custody of the child. This applies to passport applications for children up to 18 years of age. The form must bear an original signature. Use of a scanned/digital copy is not allowed.
  • For an alien or refugee passport, also bring a valid residence permit.

If one of the parents is unable or unwilling to give permission, you can request substitute permission from the Palace of Justice.

Collection or delivery

You can collect your passport at the location where you applied for it. Are you collecting a passport for a child? If so, the child aged 4 or older must be present. You can collect your passport without an appointment.

You can also have your passport delivered. Let us know when you apply for the travel document. You will then immediately pay the delivery costs. We will agree the delivery date with you.

The document remains with us for 3 months. Has it not been collected by then? Then it will be destroyed.

Lost or stolen

If your passport is lost or stolen, you sign a declaration of loss at the municipality. The normal delivery time of 5 working days is then not guaranteed. Has your passport disappeared abroad? Then you must report it to the police abroad for your travel insurance.

You can report a missing passport within the Netherlands digitally here. Please note! This can only be done in your own municipality.

Obligation to provide proof

Everyone aged 14 and over must be able to show a valid identity document when the authorities ask them to. There is no general identification requirement for children under 14. In health care, however, children do have to show identification. There is also an exception for public transport. For more information on compulsory identification, go to the central government website.

Travelling with children

Some countries outside the Schengen area require proof that the accompanying adult is the parent, has custody and/or may travel with the child. For a parent travelling alone with a different surname to the child, this can cause problems at customs. Read more about border control when travelling far away on the Ministry of Defence website.

If in doubt, take the following papers with you when travelling:

  • A consent form (via the Defence website).
  • Copy of passport of consenting parent.
  • Recent international excerpt from the child's social security registration (BRP), with parental details.


You pay a fee to apply for a passport. Check the fees on the municipal website.

Further information

For application, fees and conditions, contact the municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch by telephone or WhatsApp +31 73 - 615 51 55 or send an e-mail using the digital contact form.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch

Visiting addresses

Hoff van Hollantlaan 1

5243SR Rosmalen

Opening hours
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 12.00
08.30 - 20.00
08.30 - 12.00
08.30 - 17.00

Wolvenhoek 1

5211HH 's-Hertogenbosch

Opening hours
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 17.00
08.30 - 20.00
08.30 - 17.00
Last updated on 30 January 2024