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Municipality of Oldenzaal: applying for a new passport or renewing your old one

Please note: you can only apply for a new Dutch passport or renew your old one if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Do you have Dutch nationality, but no fixed place of residence? Then you can contact a Dutch border municipality to apply for a new passport or to renew your old one.

You can apply for a passport if you have Dutch nationality.

Children under the age of 18 require written permission from both parents or the person who has custody of the child. Does 1 of the parents or guardians refuse to give permission? You can request replacement permission from the court.


If you are 12 years or older, we will take fingerprints from two fingers when you apply. These are stored together with the photo and your personal data in the chip in your passport.

Passport photograph

The passport photo must meet strict requirements. Read more at the National Government.

PAY ATTENTION! You yourself must always be present when applying for a passport.

To apply for a passport, please bring:

  • All travel documents in your possession (both passports and identity cards). You must also bring expired travel documents with you. Do you have dual nationality? Then also take your foreign travel document with you.
  • 1 color passport photo that looks good.
  • In case of loss: see 'Passport or identity card, lost' for more information.
  • Written permission from the curator, if you are under guardianship.
  • You must pay for your passport when applying. You can pay with your debit card.

For children under 18 years old

  • can a parent or guardian accompany you to the application and
  • both parents or guardians must give written consent. They must both sign the form. Bring the written consent and proof of identity of the parents or guardians. The authenticity of the signatures of the parents/guardians must be proven with a valid proof of identity (the signatures must therefore match).

Download the 'Permission of own travel document' form. PLEASE NOTE: children must be present themselves when applying and collecting the document.

The municipality scans your fingerprints with your application.

Do you want to go abroad with a minor and you do not have full authority (parent/guardian) over the minor?

If you only want to go abroad with a minor over whom you do not have full custody, you must obtain permission from the minor's (joint) parent. You need this permission if you go to a country where you have to go through customs or enter other countries where there is border control. For more information about traveling with children, please refer to the following sites:

  • Adults: € 75.82
  • Children up to the age of 18: € 57.34
  • Spoedaanvraag (urgent request): € 51.60 extra

You pay a fee for this service. For more information, contact the municipality.

Contact en openingstijden | Gemeente Oldenzaal

After around a week, you can collect your passport yourself from the municipality. This also applies to children up to the age of 18. When you apply, you will be provided with more information about how to collect your passport.

You have 3 months in which to collect your new passport.

Do you need your passport sooner than that?

  • If you need your passport quickly, you can make a spoedaanvraag (urgent request). If you apply for the passport before 14:00, you will be able to collect it the next working day. Allow for some delay if you no longer have your old passport.
  • If you need the passport today, contact the Koninklijke Marechaussee (Royal Netherlands Marechaussee) for an emergency passport.


  • An adult passport is valid for 10 years.
  • For children up to the age of 18, a passport is valid for 5 years.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Oldenzaal

Last updated on 17 February 2025