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Municipality of Helmond: applying for a new passport or renewing your old one

A passport or identity card (ID card) is a travel document as well as proof of identity. Everyone from the age of 14 is obliged to show proof of identity. In health care, identification is compulsory from birth. In public transport, compulsory identification applies from the age of 12.

Please note: you can only apply for a new Dutch passport / ID card or renew your old one if you live in the Netherlands and are registered with a municipality.

Do you have Dutch nationality, but no fixed place of residence? Then you can contact a Dutch border municipality to apply for a new passport or to renew your old one.

Anyone with Dutch nationality can apply for a Dutch passport and identity card

You can apply for these in person at your municipality. In Helmond, you can make an appointment for this at the Stadswinkel. If you have Dutch nationality and are registered abroad, to apply for or extend a travel document you must go to the Dutch consulate or embassy in the country where you are registered.

You can collect your new passport or identity card in person after 5 working days. This can be done without an appointment. You have 3 months to collect your passport or identity card.

Do you live in Helmond and do you have DigiD? Then you can arrange the application for your travel document the quickest way by preparing it online. You can start the application via this link.

Don't have DigiD? Then make an appointment online here.

Emergency application

Does 5 working days take too long? Then you can use the urgent procedure. Please contact us by telephone on 14 0492 (do not put an area code in front of the number) and we will make an appointment with you in the urgent agenda. If you request the urgent procedure before 2pm, you will have your passport or identity card in your possession within 1 working day. An urgent application costs 53 euros extra.

How does the application for children work?

Children need their own passport or identity card to travel abroad. Children aged 14 and over must be able to identify themselves in the Netherlands. The child must be present in person at the appointment. From the age of 12, children may apply for an identity card themselves. Children under 18 need permission from the parent(s) with authority to apply for a passport. There are 3 possibilities for this:

A parent gives online consent to the application using DigiD. Complete the online consent form travel document here.
A parent or guardian accompanies you to the municipality for the application. The parent or guardian must be able to provide identification. The other parent or guardian must give consent in writing (Form consent travel document child(ren)' (PDF, 246 kB)). You will also need his or her proof of identity.
Is no parent or guardian coming along to the municipality? Then the parents or guardians must give written permission. They must both sign the 'Formulier toestemming reisdocument kind(ies)' (PDF, 246 kB) form. Bring the written permission and the identity documents of the parents or guardians with you.

Are you travelling abroad with a child over whom you do not have parental authority? On the Rijksoverheid website (under 'more information') there is a form you can use to prove that you have permission from the persons who have custody of the child to travel abroad with the child.

Obligation to identify children under 14

There are 2 exceptions: in healthcare and in public transport. In public transport, compulsory identification applies from the age of 12. Unlike the general identification obligation, there is no age limit in healthcare. When you need medical care, you must show a valid identity document to the healthcare provider. The identification obligation here therefore applies from birth.

My travel document has been stolen or lost. What should I do now?

It is important to have a missing travel document recorded as 'invalid' in the (inter)national registers as soon as possible. This prevents fraud. It is not necessary to report it to the police. You can inform us digitally that your travel document has gone missing.

Report your missing travel document digitally here.

Do you want to apply for a new travel document? Then you still need to make an appointment at the Stadswinkel.

How do I apply for a business passport or second passport?

You can apply for a business passport if you often travel abroad. A business passport has extra pages for foreign customs stamps and/or visas. Do you regularly visit different countries for business or personal reasons? Sometimes stamps from visited countries in your passport cause problems when entering another country. This is when a second passport is a solution. To apply for a second passport, your first passport must still be valid for at least six months. You must also be able to prove that you need the second passport. You can find more information on the central government website.

Can I have a passport photo taken at the Stadswinkel?

From November 2023, it will no longer be possible to have a passport photo taken at the Stadswinkel. Therefore, make sure you bring a colour passport photo to the appointment that meets the guidelines. For example, the passport photo may not be older than 6 months and must be a good likeness. Check out these requirements on

We recommend having the photo taken by a professional photographer. This will prevent us from having to reject your passport photo for your application.

The cost of a Dutch passport is:

for persons up to 18 years of age: € 58.85
for persons aged 18 and over: € 77.85
business passport or second passport: € 77.85

The fees for a Dutch identity card are:

for persons up to 18 years of age: € 37.95
for persons aged 18 and over: € 70.35

Do you want to apply for a passport or identity card urgently? Then you pay € 53.00 extra.

(rates 2023)

How long is a travel document valid?

Passport or identity card for adults: 10 years
Passport or identity card for young people under 18: 5 years

This applies to documents issued after 9 March 2014. If your passport or identity card was issued before this date, it is valid for 5 years.

Quickly arrange your application for a travel document at the City Shop? This is possible if you start your application for a travel document online, make the appointment and pay for it with Ideal. This is also possible if your travel document has been lost or stolen. For an online application you need your DigiD. To do so, click on the button 'Apply online with DigiD'. Please note! The person logging in with DigiD is also the applicant. Do you want to apply for a travel document for a minor child, for example? Then the application must be started with the minor child's DigiD.

After your online application, you come to the Stadswinkel by appointment. There you submit your passport photo and show your current travel document. One week later you can collect your new travel document.

Not using the online application?

Applying for a passport or identity card is by appointment only. You can make an appointment digitally or by phone at the Stadswinkel. You can collect your passport or identity card without an appointment. In that case, bring the collection slip you received with the application.

Bring along to the Stadswinkel:

  • All your current travel documents (passports and identity cards), even if they have now expired. Do you have dual nationality? Then also bring your foreign travel document.
  • A good-looking colour passport photo that complies with the guidelines. This photo may not be more than 6 months old. A school photo does not meet the guidelines. Click here to view the passport photo guidelines on the central government website.

You pay for your passport or identity card at the time of application. Please pay by PIN.

Questions about this topic?

Contact the Municipality of Helmond

Last updated on 4 December 2023